VinÃcius Hoyer

Hi! I identify myself as an front-end developer, but really, giving enough time developers usually can do anything, myself included. I'm currently specialized at front using Vue.js/Nuxt.js. Nice to meet you 😉.
Feel free to send me an email at: said, even if I did originally intended this site to be a business card of some sort, I do not like to let my job define my whole identity, so this is ultimately a mix of my professional persona and my crazy self, which in the end are kinda the same thing because I do bring aspects of funny me into work me and I am in the end of the day transformed by my work experiences.
So without further ado, here is a bit of me:
Examples of web stuff I do:
- Writing accessible sites
- Coding readable apps
- Buying things on Mercado Livre
- Trying to balance self-promotion with privacy on social media
- Watching too much Youtube
- Posting creative stuff I've produced
- Procrastinating cleaning the dishes
Where to find me?
If you wanna find me in social networks, I write some stuff on, also my Twitter is mostly on topic of development complains, and on my Instagram I really just post personal stuff like my piano playing skills or my bad drawings and other hobbies, but if you still wanna follow me, feel free 🙂. But be warned, most of my content are on Portuguese, that said, I do try to keep my texts friendly to google translate, like don't abbreviating stuff and using not a lot of slangs.
Actually if you want to find me anywhere, I try to be "vhoyer" everywhere, where I can't be "vhoyer" I try being "viniciushoyer" which is almost guaranteed to be available, except if someone wants to pull a prank in me 😂. In fact, I think I'm the only "VinÃcius Hoyer" there is out there. And if there is another one, I'm no doubt the more pretentious 😉.
EDIT: actually, forget about devto, check out my personal blog!
Stuff I like
I like a bunch of things, here is a short list of interest in no particular order:
- cliche impactful phrases
- markdown
- spreadsheets
- bread
- urbanism
- support other people
- record keeping
- the four-day work week
- mentoring
As for cliche impactful phrases they are like "carpe diem, memento mori" and "who makes the clown laugh".
I think that eating is one of the best things in life.